In other news, I visited my OB this morning for a routine check up and glucose test (which tests for gestational diabetes) and all went well. My blood sugar levels were great, and my iron level was rather good, even for a non-pregnant person. (It must be all that yummy broccoli and spinach I've been eating!) I fortunately only gained another couple pounds, making the grand total 9 pounds at 24 weeks, even though my appetite has increased a bit since last month. The most shocking thing for me and my OB both was my fundal (tummy or uterine) measurement though! The average pregnant women is typically 1 cm per week of pregnancy - meaning that at 24 weeks an average measurement for me today would have been 24 cm... well, I measured 31 cm!!! Dr. Callison just looked at me with wide eyes and said "oh man, you're going to have a big baby!" So, we'll see. The good news from all this is that she stated she might like to get me in for another ultrasound toward the end to measure this not-so-little one's growth - which would be another fun opportunity to see our little girl again! The concern here is what my OB is going to say if she ends up being over 9 lbs. In fact, the nurse mentioned to me that I could just schedule a c-section since it looks like this baby is going to be big. I thanked her but said I'd rather try to do it naturally before resorting to surgery. My body has proven that it can push out an almost 9 pounder, I'm just starting to fret a teeny bit about what will happen if the bun is much larger than that. (Perhaps we should change her nickname to the loaf, instead of the bun?!) So, prayers over this developing issue would be very much appreciated!
Well, that's about all for now. Thanks for popping by!