One of our favorite times of the year. Unfortunately, I've been busy with sick kids the last week or so, but here's my attempt at catching you up on our Halloween activities...
Time for Pictures!
Here are our studio pictures from Friday. They're Moira's and Ian's yearly and Meghan's 3 month pictures. Obviously they're under copyright laws, nor are they quality uploads, so please don't print them. They should be ready for pick-up on the 19th and then I'll get them out in the mail as soon as I can. Lovin' being a Mommy of three beautiful kids!!

my birthday
My birthday was last Thursday the 8th and I had a very nice day with friends and family. We went to the Botanical Gardens for a play date and to check out the scarecrows, then out to P.F. Chang's for dinner (yum!) with the family, and I even got what I wanted - a sewing machine and a class to finally learn how to use it! :) It's nothing fancy, but perfect for learning on, and I think I've got the thing figured out after the class I took last Friday night. I'm looking forward to making matching Christmas PJ pants for the family, along with various other projects. I'm sure you'll be seeing some of those here. Here are a few pictures of us at the gardens from my birthday.
Once again, I'm woefully behind in blogging. Perhaps it's the fact that I'm now a busy Momma of 3 now? Scratch that. It IS because I'm a busy Momma of 3! I'll try to be better about it, but for now you'll just have to be content with some catch up. September has come and gone, but this is some of what has gone on.
Meghan turned three months old on the 17th! Of course, now she's coming up on 4 months, but I'll save that for another post. She has really been drooly and munching on those fingers, so we think she might've started the teething process. Earlier than the other two did, but no real cutting of teeth yet, so we'll see what happens. She's still growing, which is a blessing I probably take for granted most of the time. Here are two of her 3 month teddy pics. As you can see, she's found her hands and is my most content baby yet! :) (Click here to compare with her newborn and 1 month teddy pics and here with her 2 month teddy pictures.)
Meghan turned three months old on the 17th! Of course, now she's coming up on 4 months, but I'll save that for another post. She has really been drooly and munching on those fingers, so we think she might've started the teething process. Earlier than the other two did, but no real cutting of teeth yet, so we'll see what happens. She's still growing, which is a blessing I probably take for granted most of the time. Here are two of her 3 month teddy pics. As you can see, she's found her hands and is my most content baby yet! :) (Click here to compare with her newborn and 1 month teddy pics and here with her 2 month teddy pictures.)
Got those hands!
I might've lost my mind, but I've also begun selling the hand knit purses I started making this Summer. I've been up to my eyeballs in yarn and handbags, but it's helping us get a little extra money for the holidays, so I suppose it's been good. I'm afraid I have taken over our dining room table though... ;-)
Well, I suppose that's about it. We've gotten back into the school routine and been enjoying our new classes and teachers. Everyone has stayed healthy, which is a huge blessing with a little baby in the house! We also got our yearly pictures of the big kids taken recently, along with Meghan's 3 month pictures, so be looking for that post soon. :)
Meghan's Dedication
Our sweet baby girl, Meghan Clare, was dedicated to the Lord at our church on Sunday. It was a very special time for us, and we're so thankful to God for the gift of Meghan. Here are our pictures from Sunday and the wonderful dedication printed in the bulletin so that our church family could be involved intimately.
Pastor Ronnie reading through the dedication litany (see bottom of page) with us and the congregation.
Our pastor introducing Meghan to her church family. He walked her up and down the isles, giving the congregation a chance to touch her precious toes and rub that head full of hair. It was so special.
The welcoming line at the end of the dedication. 

The happy godparents - it was such a blessing that they were able to be with us this day.

All together!

Asleep after the service, with the precious quilt made by Aunt Dara.
Our beautiful little girl.
Dara and I found the perfect little dress from Strasburg Children for this special day, and she looked precious in it!
Moira loving on her baby sister.
Our family of five - I love this one.
All together!
Asleep after the service, with the precious quilt made by Aunt Dara.
Minister: We are here today to present Meghan McCann to the church for dedication and affirmation. Collin and Janelle, you hold in your arms a marvelous incarnation of love, entrusted to your care, and fully loved by God. Do you promise to bring her up in God's love?
Parents: We do.
Minister (to congregation): What do we affirm about Meghan?
Congregation: She is made in the image of God. God loves her and offers her redemption.
Minister (to Parents): Will you take the primary responsibility in teaching, loving, and training Meghan in the Christian faith?
Parents: We will!
Minister (to congregation): And will you partner with them in telling Meghan about God's love? About her wonderful Savior, Christ the Lord? Will you teach, love and encourage her as she grows?
Congregation: We will!
Minister: God be with us. We commit ourselves to love and care for Meghan.
All: We come together as a community of faith to proclaim: Thanks be to God for the blessing of Meghan!
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