
The newest little May...

She's here! Cambria Jewel May made her appearance into this world at 6:40 this morning after a 6 hour labor, Kim's longest and last (or so they say). She weighed in at 7 lbs, 13 oz and measured 20 inches long. She has a full head of brown hair, a perfect little face, and definitely has an opinion about what she likes and dislikes - it's already apparent that her favorite thing to do is snuggle into Mommy and stay that way! This is the first niece/nephew I've been blessed with seeing only hours after their birth since my first niece, Madeline, was born and I will forever be thankful for this experience. It was such a blessing to be a part of such a joyous celebration of life. So, prepare to be bombared with photos, as I was the resident shutterbug and proud Aunt today... but seriously, can you blame me?!

Our first glimpse of sweet little Cambria, and her beautiful Mother. Really, doesn't she look fantastic for having given birth a few short hours earlier? She's grace personified.

Valie, Avery and Carson meeting their new baby sister for the first time.

Carson holding his baby sister, with proud Daddy looking on. He's going to have some serious looking out to do for his 3 younger sisters when they reach teenagedom, but he already looks like he's up for the task!

An eager Valie, no longer the baby, had been waiting as patiently as any two-year-old can to hold her tiny little sister, when she finally got the chance.

A loving Avery, as if she's looking into the very depths of this new little life. What do you see sweet one?

An excited Grammie who has been waiting 9 whole months for this moment. She even had the newest additions to her gemstone Grandmother's necklace, two April diamonds, on display.

Papa meeting another perfect granddaughter. Is it possible that he's wrapped around her tiny little finger already?

Oh, what can I say? This moment was more than I have words for. Such innocent perfection.
(I think Collin might be in trouble...)

Ian meeting his newest cousin for the first time. He's decided he'd like a baby sister too!

So much love for someone so small.

She's already captured the spotlight!

Welcome to our world, precious one!


The blessing of Christ
comes to your home in this little child
We bless you and pray
the peace of the Son of Peace fill heart and hearth
now and each hour.
Grow gently little Cambria,
Christ be near you
now and each day of your life.
In the Name of God the Father
Almighty Jesus Christ His Son,
The Blessed Holy Spirit
The Sacred Three in One

--A Celtic Newborn Blessing, adapted from the Northumbrian Book of Daily Prayer


Bruce Judisch said...

What a fantastic entry. Janelle, you have an incredible way with the art of blogging. Thanks for devoting so much, so quickly and so thoroughly.

Love - Mom & Dad

E said...

You're right, Kim looks amazing! What a wonderful "welcome to the world" for this little one - it's obvious she's surrounded by lots & lots of love. How precious!

DW Hobbs said...

Oh Janelle!! My heart is with you and yours today as you celebrate this joyous occasion! The pictures were AMAZING and mom and baby look beautiful, you've captured the moment perfectly. And what a beautiful prayer...Cambria is certainly a blessed child!!

The Wilhite Family said...

Congrats on your two new nieces! It's so awesome that they were born so close together! That is a beautiful poem and you got some beautiful pictures too!!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, what a great way to introduce the new arrival to the rest of the world! Beautiful baby, just like her mom...and grandma...and aunt. Hope to get to see some of these grandneices and nephews this year. I have a grandson that really wants to meet his cousins! God bless and keep up the great posting of events.

Love, Aunt Robin

Candace/Chloe said...

C'mon Collin.......give this sweet wife of yours another baby! heehee

Congratulations May family! She's beautiful! And Janelle, I agree with what your dad said.....you're quite the blogger! ;-)

Unknown said...

Janelle, This is a lovely blog. The pix of all the family are wonderful and so is the beautiful poem. Great job! Congrats also to the May family on the birth of little Cambria She's beautiful, as are her Mother and siblings.

gLORIous said...

I agree with your dad, you have an incredible way with the art of blogging, to coin his phrase. What great pictures! Please tell Kim that she is blessed with another beautiful baby...how can they help but be beautiful with her as their mother! I especially enjoyed seeing the picture of Avery holding Cambria...how very precious! Avery looks a whole lot like her mommy. Send my love to everyone!

The Jackson Family said...

Oh my goodness, Kim looks AWESOME! Janelle, you're welcome to come take pictures after I give birth in September! What a great post! Congratulations, May, Judisch and McCann families-- what precious blessings!
Seeing these precious photos, I can't wait for my #2 to get here, and I can understand why Collin's in trouble now!
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the birth of Cambria!! Beautiful pictures and such love!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, McCann family (and Bruce and Jeannie!) Y'all don't know me, but I'm a Judisch friend who got directed to your blog via an announcement from Bruce. Your pictures are absolutely precious, and bring back memories of my son holding his baby sister for the first time! And I love the Celtic blessing in your blog, too. God bless your new addition!